
melancholic 2014.

nak start kat mana pon tak tahu. hmm.

I describe 2014 was a melancholic year.

I secretly hate 2014, even there were happy moment in it. ala orang cakap melankolik.melankolik laa.

Birthday 2014 quite good even dalam kesederhanaan. I got a lot of presents. Birthday tersangat penting bagi I. I got wish from 1. Yes that was a the happy part.

2014, tahun I paling miskin tapi boleh sampai Redang for the first time of my life. Jakarta for the second time of my life. Attended Yani's wedding at Tanjung Karang for the first time of my life. Happy.

2014, gaduh besar dengan Aunty Baby. Sekarang dah macam baik sikit. Gaduh besar ngan boss I. Malas nak komen pasal ni. but now I am finding a new job. Susah kerja dengan adik beradik when you cannot bring your idea. letih belajar tinggi2. argh malas nk komen.

2014, i lose weight. i lost 10kgs. bravo tak?

2014. first time of my life I kena warded. masa I kena denggi. I hanya cakap dengan Allah. Setiap hari I doa. setiap hari I taubat. I deleted all my free hair photos. some parts tak boleh nak deleted.I was so scared.Masa tu I fikir " I mati ke?" I tak pernah rasa sesakit itu. Jiwa sakit. Badan sakit. tapi the sweet part ade doktor handsome. Allah memang Maha Memahami.

Itulah 2014 saya.

What I am going to do 2015. kahwin tu memang la nak. tapi ye laa. kena tengok poket sendiri dulu. Tapi i nak gewe la. Ciri pertama gewe adalah, bila tengok hati berdebar jatuh cinta. wahh.

2015. i want my life getting better. ade kerja baru. baiki kereta che umi. Tukar jadi auto. I akan buat Che mie comeback. Che Mie Junior.

2015 yang lain tak adalah. tu je la.


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